Living Room
12 Natural Products to Help Your Skin Stay Forever Young
A cucumber mask is a very effective remedy to treat acne. Cucumber also supports the vitality and youthfulness of your skin.
Cut the cucumber, and apply the round slices to your face for at least 15 minutes. Use this method several times a week.
Mix baking soda and olive oil in equal proportions, and use the mixture once a week as a cleansing scrub. To make the mask, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of natural yogurt. Apply the mask for 10 minutes, and watch how loose skin becomes tightened, firm, and smooth.
Apply honey onto your face and neck area, and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes. To make an anti-aging mask, use honey and cinnamon in equal proportions.
Gently apply a thin layer of coconut oil to your face, and remove with a tissue after 5 minutes.