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6 Quick Ways to End Your Constipation

4. Eat prunes.

Not only are prunes rich in fiber, but they also contain sorbitol, a stool-loosening sugar that relieves constipation naturally. 100 grams of prunes have 14.7 grams of sorbitol.

If you don’t like the taste of prunes, you can quickly gulp a glass of its juice. However, the juice contains less fiber than the fruit, but it should still do the trick.

Remember that prunes take a while to start showing an effect, so take it easy for an hour or 2. Please don’t go overboard!

5. Consume bulking agents.

Herbs like flaxseed, fenugreek, and psyllium have a laxative effect and soften the stool. Eat them and drink a lot of water if you are suffering from constipation. Also, there are teas available with these supplements, you could give them a try as well.

6. Include yogurt in your meals.

6 Quick Ways to End Your Constipation
Although it’s advised to stay away from dairy products if you suffer from constipation, yogurt is an exception. Yogurt contains probiotics like Bifidobacterium longum or Bifidobacterium animalis which can help you to have a more frequent, less painful passage of stool.

Bonus: There’s a correct sitting position for the toilet.

6 Quick Ways to End Your Constipation
Sitting with your back straight at 90° with your thighs straight in front of you is very common while sitting on “Western-style” toilets. However, this is the wrong posture. The passage for defecation becomes narrow due to the pull of the puborectalis muscle. It’s a muscle band that rings around the end of the colon. When the thighs and hips make a 90° angle, this muscle is taut and doesn’t allow the colon to open properly.

The correct way to sit is to lean forward so that your spine is at an angle of around 35° with respect to your thighs. You can also use a footstool to make your position more comfortable.

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