It doesn’t matter whether you are a coffee lover or not but our body surely loves it when it is applied topically. Are you aware that more and more people are leaning towards a homemade coffee pack because it can brighten and whiten our skin tone considerably?
Coffee + Plain Curd
How To:
- Take two tbsp of grounded coffee in a glass bowl and add one tbsp of plain curd which is easily available in our kitchen.
- Mix both the ingredients thoroughly to make a fine paste.
- Prewash your face with a mild cleanser to remove any accumulated dirt on the surface of your skin.
- Apply this mask on your face with help of a brush in even tones.
- Leave it to dry completely.
- Rinse it away with normal water.
- Apply a bit of moisture to your face.
How it Works:
Grounded coffee is an anti-inflammatory agent and yogurt is rich in lactic acid. Both create a paste that acts as an exfoliant and a bleaching agent thus brightening the skin tone.
Coffee + Lemon Juice + Raw Honey
How To:
- Take one tbsp of coffee powder and an equal amount of raw honey in a glass bowl.
- Add one tsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice to it and mix it properly.
- Clean and dry your face beforehand.
- Apply the paste on your face with help of your fingertips.
- Massage for a few minutes and leave it to dry for twenty minutes.
- Rinse it away with normal water.
How it Works:
Coffee is an exfoliant, lemon juice a natural bleach and raw honey a natural humectant. All the ingredients work together to create a skin brightening mask.
Coffee + Tea Tree Oil
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