Cleaning Haks

35 Smart Ways You Can Use Bar Keepers Friend At Home

The first time I heard the words “The Bar Keepers Friend” I thought it was talking about a real bartender and alcohol. I had no idea that The Bar Keepers Friends is a line of multiple cleaning products.

In fact, the Bar Keepers Friend was originally marketed to bartenders to keep their brass bar rails shiny. If you’re a person that loves the look of shiny and clean kitchen and bathroom then this article is definitely for you.

The Bar Keepers Friend has been around since 1882. Its origin is Indianapolis Indiana It’s manufactured by SerVaas Laboratories. Its main ingredient is oxalic acid.

The Bar Keepers Friend line of cleaning products comes in powdered cleaning agents, liquid and spray cleaners.   At the end of this article, if were not aware of the Bar Keepers Friend, you will be enlightened.

Here are 35 uses of The Bar Keepers Friend in and around the home.


If you’ve got one of the classic bathtubs the Bar Keepers friend is a must to have around the home. To use Barkeepers Friend to clean your bathtub use the powdered cleaner to make a paste with water.

Consistency can be like plastic. Scrub tub with rag or sponge. Rinse and enjoy results.

Toilet bowl 

Having problems getting rid of tough stains in your toilet bowl? Bar Keepers Friend is the solution. To use Bar Keepers Friend in the toilet, you first lift the toilet seat.

Remove extra stains with bowl brush. Wet all areas inside the bowl by flushing. Apply 6 ounces of Bar Keepers Friend toilet bowl cleaner. Allow it to soak for about 5 minutes. Scrub bowl with a toilet brush then flush. For best results consistently use Bar Keepers Friend.


It can really throw you off when you think that you have cleaned the tiles but the grout is saying something different. For grout that’s hard to clean, there is Bar Keepers Friend.

To clean grout with Bar Keepers Friend you first put on your gloves. Wet grout a little. Sprinkle Bar Keepers Friend on grout. Scrub thoroughly. Rinse and repeat if desired.



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