Cleaning Haks
Some of the products we use every day have various purposes and some parts that are unique and unusual as well. Many people are baffled by these parts’ purposes – for example, do you know what the small pockets on female underwear are for? Here are 6 products we use every day and the purpose of their specific parts:
The pockets on female underwear are added for better comfort. This layer is made of soft cotton and it’s not sewn down in order to make you more comfortable.
These holes were used as a camping equipment for hiking and allow easier tying of the backpack.
This part on hats first appeared in the 19th century among French sailors. At that time, the cabins in the ships had a low roof, and the bobbles were added as a safety measure. Later, the bobbles were added on knitted hats as a unique detail. Nowadays, bobbles are used solely as an aesthetic feature.
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