Toxins Stored In Your Fat Cells Are Making You Fat And Swollen. Here’s How To Cleanse Them
The body stores toxins in fat cells, why:
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) back in the 80’s organized a program which known as the National Human Adipose Tissue Survey (NHATS).
It was found that all samples of human fat contained some quantity of one dioxin and 4 industrial solvents. 9 extra chemicals, including one furan and 3 more dioxins were found in over 90% of fat samples. An average of 83% of the samples has PCBs contained in them.
What are dioxins?
These are a category of chemical contaminants produced during combustion such as backyard trash burning, forest fires, and waste incineration and also during certain industrial activities such as herbicide manufacturing and paper pulp bleaching.
To hinder these toxins from moving about freely and inflicting damage to your organs, the body system traps these toxins in fat cells.
Two types of toxins
Like vitamins, toxins can be divided into two categories:
Fat soluble toxins: they must be converted by the liver to become water soluble.
Water-soluble toxins: these are easily flushed out of the body through the kidney and blood.
Fat soluble toxins include pollutants, heavy metals, plastics, food additives, preservatives, pesticides, and other environmental chemicals too.
Liver – Your First Line of Defense
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